Kari og Kristian i streikevester.png
Kari Nordli (leader of Akademikerne Stat) and Kristian Botnen (head of NITO Stat) are ready to strike until the state understands the seriousness of the situation.

Akademikerne and NITO have been on strike since Friday 24 May. 

With the new withdrawal, an additional 157 members in the companies that are already affected will go on strike. In addition, 221 employees of the National Security Authority will be withdrawn. 

"When our members go on strike, the state employers notice it," says Kristian Botnen, head of NITO Stat. 

- Selecting highly educated technologists and engineers affects societal preparedness and the investigation of criminal cases. Planned large-scale inspections come to a halt, and control of food safety is weakened," he adds.

The state gives bad answers

- The consequences of the strike have not made a noticeable impression on the state. That leaves us no choice but to escalate the strike further," says Kari Tønnessen Nordli, leader of Akademikerne Stat. 

"The state must understand the seriousness of the situation. Seven out of ten central government agencies state that they have major challenges in retaining and recruiting highly educated people. This should make a greater impression on the state than what we have seen so far," she says. 

"We have challenged the state on how to solve the problems of retaining and recruiting highly educated people in the companies. So far, the state has not responded, she adds.

Large support for the strike


"This is the first time we have gone on strike since 2006, so this is not something we take lightly. But now that we are on strike, I am incredibly impressed by how the members are behind this," says Botnen.

- The state tried to force us over to a salary system that gives poorer pay for our members. The members are tired of being herded into the wage settlement in the way the state does now. Nevertheless, they manage to carry out an orderly and proper strike," he adds.

- Now we expect the state to be just as orderly and meet us. This strike should be completely unnecessary," says Botnen.

- On Friday at 13.00, the members of Akademikerne will again stand in front of the Storting to be heard - but is the state willing to listen this time?

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